Lipids are a family of organic compounds that include monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, etc. The presence of the lipids in the biological sample is usually poorly compatible with many downstream applications, including ELISA, protease digestion of proteins, isoelectric focusing, and mass spectrometry (MS). To enable downstream analysis, it is critical to remove the lipids from the biological sample such as ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile, and organ homogenates. For such purposes, traditionally, chloroform or column has been the preferred method for Delipidation. However, using the solvent removal agent or spin column to remove the lipids is tedious, timing-consuming, suffering from sample losses, environmental concerns, and challenging to adapt to high-throughput automation. We develop a novel, super-efficient lipid-specific removal agent based on magnetic beads to overcome these limitations.
BcMag™ One-Step Lipids Removal Kit uses specially designed magnetic beads to efficiently bind and remove lipids from ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile, and organ homogenates. The convenient single-step, one-tube purification protocol takes only 2 minutes with very little hands-on time. The beads enable 96 samples to be processed simultaneously in less than 10 minutes.

Add the beads to a sample solution.
Mix the beads with the sample by vortex or pipetting.
Magnetically remove the beads.
Aspirate the supernatant containing a lipid-free sample.
Features and Advantages
Simple protocol: No liquid transfer, One-tube, One-step
Ultrafast: Two-minute protocol
Lipid-specific adsorption and high sample recovery: > 90%
Cost-effective: Eliminates columns, centrifuge, filters, and laborious repeat pipetting
High-throughput: Compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems
Materials Required
Magnetic Rack for centrifuge tube
** Based on sample volume, the user can choose one of the following magnetic Racks
• BcMag™ Rack-2 for holding two individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-01)
• BcMag™ Rack-6 for holding six individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-02)
• BcMag™ Rack-24 for holding twenty-four individual 1.5-2.0 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-03)
• BcMag™ Rack-50 for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-04)
BcMag™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack.
• BcMa™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack (side-pull) compatible with 96-well PCR plate and 96-well microplate or other compatible Racks (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-05)
Adjustable Single and Multichannel Pipettes
Centrifuge with Swinging Bucket
Addition items are required if using 96-well PCR plates / tubes
Vortex Mixer
** The user can also use other compatible vortex mixers. However, the Time and speed should be optimized, and the mixer should be: Orbit ≥1.5 mm-4 mm, Speed ≥ 2000 rpm
Eppendorf™ MixMate™
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529
Tube Holder PCR 96
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005
Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048
Smart Mixer, Multi Shaker
BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529
1.5/2.0 mL centrifuge tube
96-well PCR Plates or 8-Strip PCR Tubes
PCR plates/tubes
** IMPORTANT! If using other tubes or PCR plates, make sure that the well diameter at the bottom of the conical section of PCR Tubes or PCR plates must be ≥2.5mm.
Magnetic Rack for centrifuge tube
** Based on sample volume, the user can choose one of the following magnetic Racks
BcMag™ Rack-2 for holding two individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-01)
BcMag™ Rack-6 for holding six individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-02)
BcMag™ Rack-24 for holding twenty-four individual 1.5-2.0 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-03)
BcMag™ Rack-50 for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-04)
BcMag™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack
BcMa™ 96-well Plate Magnetic Rack (side-pull) compatible with 96-well PCR plate and 96-well microplate or other compatible Racks (Bioclone, Cat. No. MS-05)
Adjustable Single and Multichannel Pipettes
Centrifuge with Swinging Bucket
Addition items are required if using 96-well PCR plates/tubes
Vortex Mixer
** The user can also use other compatible vortex mixers. However, the Time and Speed should be optimized, and the mixer should be: Orbit ≥1.5 mm-4 mm, Speed ≥ 2000 rpm
Eppendorf™ MixMate™
Tube Holder PCR 96
Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL
Smart Mixer, Multi Shaker
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048
BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529
Eppendorf™ MixMate™
Tube Holder PCR 96
Tube Holder 1.5/2.0 mL, for 24 × 1.5 mL or 2.0 mL
Smart Mixer, Multi ShakerEppendorf, Cat. No. 5353000529
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674005
Eppendorf, Cat. No. 022674048BenchTop Lab Systems, Cat. No. 5353000529
1.5/2.0 mL centrifuge tube
96-well PCR Plates or 8-Strip PCR Tubes
PCR Plates/Tubes
! IMPORTANT ! If using other tubes or PCR plates, ensure that the well diameter at the bottom of the conical section of PCR Tubes or PCR plates must be ≥2.5mm.
The following protocol is an example. The beads and sample volume can be rational Scale-up (or down). Do not use buffers containing organic solvents.
Shake the bottle to resuspend the magnetic beads until it is homogeneous entirely.
! IMPORTANT ! It is essential to mix the beads before dispensing. Do not allow the beads to sit for more than 2 minutes before dispensing. Resuspend the magnetic beads every 2 minutes.2.
Add 10μl magnetic beads to a 100 μl sample containing lipids.
! IMPORTANT ! Users need to optimize the ratio of beads and lipids based on the binding capacity of beads (20 µg lipids/mg of beads)3.
Mix the sample with beads for 1-2 minutes by slowly pipetting up and down 20-25 times or vortex for 5 minutes at 2000 rpm for PCR plates or 800 rpm for Elisa plates.
! IMPORTANT ! Users need to optimize the speed and time if using a vortex mixer.4.
Place the sample plate or tube on the magnetic separation plate for 30 seconds or until the solution is clear.
Transfer the supernatant to a clean plate/tube while the sample plate remains on the magnetic separation plate. The sample is ready for downstream applications.
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Instruction Manual
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