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商品详细Bioclone/BcMag™ Quick DNA-RNA Conjugation Kit/100 mg Beads Kit/CA103
Bioclone/BcMag™ Quick DNA-RNA Conjugation Kit/100 mg Beads Kit/CA103
Bioclone/BcMag™ Quick DNA-RNA Conjugation Kit/100 mg Beads Kit/CA103
商品编号: CA103
品牌: Bioclone Inc
市场价: ¥7200.00
美元价: 4320.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Many DNA microarray devices and chips have been created to detect DNA or RNA via solid phase hybridization. These biochips are generally based on the immobilization of DNA on a solid surface. They can collect and bind complementary DNA/RNA of interest from a tiny amount of samples. Immobilization of DNA/RNA on solid surfaces has grown in importance due to its applications in forensic science, environmental investigations, diagnosis and gene expression analysis, detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations, DNA sequencing or genetic disease diagnosis, gene expression analysis, detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations.

BcMag™ Quick DNA-RNA Conjugation Kit is intended to quickly and efficiently immobilize DNA, RNA, or phosphate-modified RNA/DNA oligos to our proprietary magnetic beads. For a more secure attachment, the kit is designed to use cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) to covalently immobilize 5′ phosphate group of DNA/RNA to amine-terminated magnetic beads (Fig.1). Our proprietary neutral coupling buffer makes the conjugation very efficient (>85%). The conjugated DNA is very stable and can be used for many downstream applications.

Quick immobilization of DNA/RNA to magnetic beads

Features and Advantages

Quick, Easy, and one-step protocol

Neutral linkage—forms neutral amide bonds between phosphate and amine

Stable covalent bond with minimal ligand leakage

High immobilization efficiency

Scalable – Easily adjusts for sample size and automation

Reproducible results


The protocol can be scaled appropriately up or down.

Materials Required

Magnetic Rack (for manual operation)

Based on sample volume, the user can choose one of the following magnetic Racks:

– BcMag™ Rack-2 for holding two individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Cat. No. MS-01);– BcMag™ Rack-6 for holding six individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Cat. No. MS-02);– BcMag™ Rack-24 for holding twenty-four individual 1.5-2.0 ml centrifuge tubes (Cat. No. MS-03);– BcMag™ Rack-50 for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Cat. No. MS-04);– BcMag™ Rack-96 for holding a 96 ELISA plate or PCR plate (Cat. No. MS-05).

For larger scale purification, Ceramic magnets Block for large scale purification (6 in x 4 in x 1 in block ferrite magnet, Applied Magnets, Cat. No. CERAMIC-B8)

Corning 430825 cell culture flask for large-scale purification (Cole-Parmer, Cat. No. EW-01936-22)

Mini BlotBoy 3D Rocker, fixed speed, small 10″ x 7.5″ platform w/ flat mat (Benchmark Scientific, Inc. Cat. No. B3D1008) or compatible

A. DNA/RNA Sample Preparation



All the samples (DNA/RNA) can not be suspended in TE or amine-containing buffer because it will reduce coupling efficiency.


All the samples (DNA/RNA) must have a phosphate group at the 5′ end. A commercial oligo synthesis company can provide such service or treat oligo-DNA with T4 DNA Kinase for oligo-DNA. The oligo-DNA should be purified by standard desalting or other methods.


Amplified PCR products must be purified by stander procedure before coupling.


< 1kb for all DNA/RNA samples is preferred for coupling.


All the samples (DNA/RNA) should be suspended in ultrapure water or 1x Suspension Buffer at a concentration of 5-10 µg/ul.

(Optional: Aspirate 5-10 µl sample, transfer to a new centrifuge tube, and label the tube as C1)

B. Coupling Buffer Preparation


Prepare coupling buffer by adding 19 mg EDC to 1ml of 1x suspension buffer (Coupling buffer must be prepared fresh immediately before use)

C. Coupling


Shake the bottle to resuspend the Magnetic Beads completely.


Transfer 1ml magnetic beads (20 mg/ml) to a tube. Place the tube on the magnetic Rack for 1-3 minutes. Remove the supernatant while the tube remains on the Rack.


Remove the tube from the Rack and resuspend the beads thoroughly with a 1ml Suspension Buffer. Place the tube on the magnetic Rack for 1-3 minutes. Remove the supernatant while the tube remains on the Rack.


Repeat step 3 once.


Remove the tube from the Rack and resuspend the beads thoroughly with a 200µl Coupling Buffer. Mix the magnetic beads with 100-200 µg DNA/RNA prepared from A1.


Incubate the beads overnight at 50° C with continuous rotation.


Place the tube on a magnetic Rack for 1-3 minutes. Remove the supernatant while the tube remains on the Rack (Optional: Aspirate 5-10 µl supernatant, transfer to a new centrifuge tube and label the tube as C2).


Wash the beads three times with 1 ml of Washing Buffer at room temperature and twice with ultrapure water at 65° C.


Resuspend the beads at 5 mg/ml in PBS buffer containing 0.2% NaN3 and store at 4° C.

D. Coupling Efficiency Calculation


Measure OD at A260

Coupling Efficiency (%) = [(C1-C2)/C1] x 100%

C1: A260 Pre-Coupling DNA/RNA Solution x dilution factor; C2: A260 post-Coupling DNA/RNA Solution.


Using fluorescent dye to quantify C1 and C2.

Learn More

Instruction Manual


DNA & RNA Purification Related Products →

General Reference


Ferrier DC, Shaver MP, Hands PJW. Micro- and nano-structure-based oligonucleotide sensors. Biosens Bioelectron. 2015 Jun 15;68:798-810.


Sethi D, Gandhi RP, Kuma P, Gupta KC. Chemical strategies for immobilization of oligonucleotides. Biotechnol J. 2009 Nov;4(11):1513-29.


Zuo P, Ye BC. A novel immobilization strategy using oligonucleotide as linker for small molecule microarrays construction. Biosens Bioelectron. 2008 Jun 15;23(11):1694-700.

Bioclone的用于学术研究和治疗应用的重组蛋白/ DNA的数量已大大增加。然而,成功的重组蛋白表达取决于许多因素,例如密码子偏好性,RNA二级结构,异源表达系统中的GC含量。越来越多的实验结果证明,与预优化相比,取决于不同的基因,表达水平显着提高,从两倍提高到一百倍。Bioclone开发了一个独特的专有技术平台,并生成了超过14,000个人工合成的,经过密码子优化的cDNA / DNA克隆(克隆在大肠杆菌表达载体中,图1)和重组蛋白(在大肠杆菌酵母中生产)。Bioclone为所有cDNA克隆和重组蛋白生产提供即用型和基于客户的服务。特别设计和合成了数十万种重组蛋白和密码子优化的cDNA (DNA开放阅读框)。  密码子优化的cDNA / DNA:    产生更高产量的重组蛋白。将cDNA / DNA 克隆克隆到具有6x His -tag的大肠杆菌表达载体中,可立即用于重组蛋白生产。可以使用作为验证的RNAi的功能由于在其〜30%差的RNAi的援助cDNA序列时相比原的cDNA / DNA 。Bioclone 还提供客户服务克隆中的cDNA插入NY 所需的客户向量小号。重组蛋白:重组蛋白C 在N末端或C末端具有6x His-tag重组蛋白P roduced在大肠杆菌或小号F9昆虫细胞。  provid 我纳克准备使用的重组蛋白和p rotein点播服务的所有cDNA克隆。通过SDS-PAGE 测定的重组蛋白纯度> 90%。ř ecombinant蛋白应用:Western印迹,ELISA 或可以用于其它应用。  cDNA克隆和重组蛋白包括:我nfection疾病抗原(病毒,细菌,寄生虫,细菌毒素),抗过敏的蛋白质,细胞因子,   激酶,磷酸酶,信号转导,   干细胞和发展,神经科学, 药物   metabollism,普通的病,转录因子,癌症和更重组蛋白质和克隆是g 还是机翼.......