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商品详细Bioclone/Magnetic Rack-6/Each/MS02
Bioclone/Magnetic Rack-6/Each/MS02
Bioclone/Magnetic Rack-6/Each/MS02
商品编号: MS02
品牌: Bioclone Inc
市场价: ¥3000.00
美元价: 1800.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

A Magnetic Separation Rack (also called a separator or stand) separates these complexes of magnetic beads and their bound components from a complex mixture in solution. This procedure produces an isolated solution of your desired biological constituents, which can then be enhanced and concentrated.

The magnetic separator, which will separate your beads from the solution, is another critical factor in the magnetic bead separation procedure. An external magnetic field is necessary to move the beads, commonly referred to as a magnetic separation rack. Biomagnetic separation techniques are optimized by establishing the optimal magnetic bead and separation rack characteristics.

Magnetic force is a fundamental property of the biomagnetic separation process. Two significant forces are influencing your solution. The drag force caused by the viscosity of your solution stops your molecules from separating. The magnetic force of your magnetic separator rack overcomes the drag. Magnetic bead separation is most efficient when the separation conditions (magnetic force) are uniform across the working volume. As a result, it is vital to ensure that the separation rack can expand in tandem with the operational volume.

Bioclone offers magnetic racks to help you purify biomolecules from small-scale to large-scale. These modular magnetic racks enable rapid protein purification while simplifying the operation.


BcMag™ Separator-2 Magnetic Rack (Cat. No. MS01)

BcMag Separator-2 Magnetic Rack is a magnetic separation device for low-throughput magnetic bead manipulation applications such as nucleic acid isolation using magnetic beads. A high-performance permanent neodymium magnet is incorporated in a plastic separation unit frame in the separator-2 magnetic rack. The rack can hold 2 x 1.5 ml tubes. The separator-2 magnetic rack, when used in conjunction with BcMag Magnetic Beads, enables fast and effective magnetic bead-based separation techniques.

Feature and benefits

Built with a powerful permanent neodymium magnet for quick bead collection from the solution.

They are specifically designed for reliable performance with varying sample quantities.

Magnetic bead capture on the 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube wall that is stable and tight.

Highly efficient biomolecules purification using BcMag™ quick pure system for one-minute DNA purification kit or one-minute contaminants removal kits.

BcMag™ separator-6 magnetic rack (Cat. No. MS02)

BcMag Separator-6 Magnetic Rack is intended to separate the paramagnetic beads from the solution contained in 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tubes. The separator-6 magnetic rack consists of a high-performance Neodymium-Iron-Boron (Nd-Fe-B) magnet. This novel separator-6 magnetic rack is designed for simultaneously processing six samples in 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes, which significantly increases the ease of use.

Feature and benefits

Built with a powerful permanent neodymium magnet for quick bead collection from the solution.

They are specifically designed for reliable performance with varying sample quantities.

Magnetic bead capture on the microcentrifuge tube wall that is stable and tight.

Highly efficient biomolecules purification using BcMag™ quick pure system for one-minute DNA purification kit or one-minute contaminants removal kits.

BcMag™ separator-24 magnetic rack (Cat. No. MS03)

BcMag Separator-24 Magnetic Rack is specifically designed for efficient magnetic separation of all types of magnetic beads. The entire body is constructed of powerful rare earth permanent magnets. The rack sides are perfectly oriented to fit microcentrifuge tubes with slanted sides. The separator-24 magnetic rack comprises a magnetic base station and a removable tube rack, allowing up to 24 × 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes to be stored in the tube rack. Multiple samples can be processed in simultaneously.

MS03.pngFeature and benefits

Built with a powerful permanent neodymium magnet for quick bead collection from the solution.

They are specifically designed for reliable performance with varying sample quantities.

Magnetic bead capture on the microcentrifuge tube wall that is stable and tight.

Highly efficient biomolecules purification using BcMag™ quick pure system for one-minute DNA purification kit or one-minute contaminants removal kits.

BcMag™ separator-50 magnetic rack (Cat. No. MS04)

BcMag™ Separator-50 Magnetic Rack is professionally built for efficient magnetic separation of all types of magnetic beads from solution contained in 1.5 ml or 15 ml, or 50 ml tubes. The innovative adjustable design of the separator-50 magnetic rack allows for holding one 50 ml centrifuge tube, one 15 ml centrifuge tube, and four individual 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes. The entire body is constructed of powerful rare earth permanent magnets.

Feature and benefits

Built with a powerful permanent neodymium magnet for quick bead collection from the solution.

Specifically designed for reliable performance with varying sample quantities.

Magnetic bead capture on the 50 ml, 15 ml, or 1.5ml wall that is stable and tight.

Highly efficient biomolecules purification using BcMag™ quick pure system for one-minute DNA purification kit or one-minute contaminants removal kits.

BcMag™ separator-96 well-side magnetic plate (Cat. No. MS05)

BcMag™ Separator-96 Well-side Magnetic Plate is professionally built for efficient high throughput separation of all types of magnetic beads from samples quickly and easily. It can be used manually or as part of an automated workstation. The entire body comprises a high-performance Neodymium-Iron-Boron (Nd-Fe-B) magnet and aluminum with hard coat anodizing for durability. This novel 96 Magnetic plate is designed for holding a standard 96-well microtiter plate or PCR plate or PCR-style strips that pull beads to the side of each well. The 96-magnetic plate is ideal for singleplex and multiplex biological assays.

Magnetic Microspheres in 96-Wells: A High-Throughput Approach

The Magnetic 96-Well Separator has numerous applications. Magnetic microspheres are widely used in biology, biotechnology, and other biomedical sciences. Cell sorting, RNA and DNA isolation, preparation, purification, and sequencing, as well as immunology and a wide range of isolation techniques for biological entities, are examples of applications.

Feature and benefits

Built with a robust permanent neodymium magnet aluminum for quick bead collection from the solution.

They are specifically designed for reliable high throughput performance with 96-well microtiter plate, PCR plate, or PCR-style strips.

Magnetic bead capture on the plate wall that is stable and tight.

Highly efficient biomolecules purification using BcMag™ quick pure system for one-minute DNA purification kit or one-minute contaminants removal kits.

Bioclone的用于学术研究和治疗应用的重组蛋白/ DNA的数量已大大增加。然而,成功的重组蛋白表达取决于许多因素,例如密码子偏好性,RNA二级结构,异源表达系统中的GC含量。越来越多的实验结果证明,与预优化相比,取决于不同的基因,表达水平显着提高,从两倍提高到一百倍。Bioclone开发了一个独特的专有技术平台,并生成了超过14,000个人工合成的,经过密码子优化的cDNA / DNA克隆(克隆在大肠杆菌表达载体中,图1)和重组蛋白(在大肠杆菌酵母中生产)。Bioclone为所有cDNA克隆和重组蛋白生产提供即用型和基于客户的服务。特别设计和合成了数十万种重组蛋白和密码子优化的cDNA (DNA开放阅读框)。  密码子优化的cDNA / DNA:    产生更高产量的重组蛋白。将cDNA / DNA 克隆克隆到具有6x His -tag的大肠杆菌表达载体中,可立即用于重组蛋白生产。可以使用作为验证的RNAi的功能由于在其〜30%差的RNAi的援助cDNA序列时相比原的cDNA / DNA 。Bioclone 还提供客户服务克隆中的cDNA插入NY 所需的客户向量小号。重组蛋白:重组蛋白C 在N末端或C末端具有6x His-tag重组蛋白P roduced在大肠杆菌或小号F9昆虫细胞。  provid 我纳克准备使用的重组蛋白和p rotein点播服务的所有cDNA克隆。通过SDS-PAGE 测定的重组蛋白纯度> 90%。ř ecombinant蛋白应用:Western印迹,ELISA 或可以用于其它应用。  cDNA克隆和重组蛋白包括:我nfection疾病抗原(病毒,细菌,寄生虫,细菌毒素),抗过敏的蛋白质,细胞因子,   激酶,磷酸酶,信号转导,   干细胞和发展,神经科学, 药物   metabollism,普通的病,转录因子,癌症和更重组蛋白质和克隆是g 还是机翼.......